Monday, April 16, 2007

Time for Gun Control

11:27am at the 47-50 Street/Rockefeller Center Subway Station

As of this writing, 33 people lay dead by a lone (?) gunman. I am sure for obstinate Second Amendment cheerleaders, clearly this isn't enough reason to do anything about rampant gun violence. For the rest of the country which favors Reason over archaic legal statutes which now border on the non sequitur, the time is now for a truly progressive set of gun control laws.


Allum Barstansangur said...

The current argument from NRA types on campus is "oh it only happened because they recently banned concealed carry from campus, if everyone had guns, no one would have died"

so more guns to them = more safety from guns as opposed to "more likely to be shot"

It's a never-ending stream of horseshit that goes so deep in the american psyche somewhere next to "immigrants are stealing our jobs" and "them thar Iraqians blew up the twin towers".

A nation founded on ignorance, blood and violence, built on yet more ignorance, blood and violence finds itself surprised when the ignorance, blood and violence erupts again, and again, and again, and again, and...

Allum Barstansangur said...

I'm not sure legislation is what needs to change however, I am actually pro-2nd amendment.

I believe more attention needs to be paid to the blood-soaked and aggressive culture that is part and parcel of modern American life.

I'm not talking about movies, games or books even...I'm talking about the lack of real community, the locked off, gated communities that replace them, the militaristic jingoism that infects modern debate and the despots Americans allow to rule over them...

2nd amendment mentions King George...and there's one in power, would legislating against the right to overthrow such a king not be a monstrous mistake?

Just some thoughts.

Porcupine said...

boy howdy. it'll be interesting how that unfolds. NRA's headquarters is in Fairfax right off I-66 West, with D.C. and its gun ban in the rear view...

ALT - [f r a m e s] said...

I am not completely against the 2nd Amendment in theory, but the 20th/21st Century practice of enabling its existence sure has sucked.

Maybe it's time for severe legislation, and see what that does. I am afraid of a "Prohibition"-esque outcome, however.

bon bon said...

i heard the owner of the gun shop who sold him one gun say "if he didn't have a gun, he'd have found another way of doing it."

gee, imagine all the damage he could've done welding a board with a nail in it.

ALT - [f r a m e s] said...

Kitty: "guns don't kill people; people kill people"...with guns.

Oh, wait...