That populist CNN asshat, Lou Dobbs, loves to tout the "security" of the borders as THE issue on the minds of the American public. Reactionary elements in Congress and on the airwaves bitch and moan and complain about how the U.S. is somehow a bastardized version of what it once was (supposedly whiter? more German? more Italian? more English?). Listening to these cretins talk, one would think that they are tapping basic U.S. sentiment regarding illegal immigration:
"No more immigration!"
"An illegal immigrant is a criminal"
And so on, and so forth.
It's nice to see that the New York Times published an interesting article on how rational and supportive we Americans really are when it comes to immigration.
Here are some of the questions:
"Do you favor a guest worker program?"
66% say YES.
"What should happen to illegal immigrants who have been in the U.S. for at least two years?"
In a nationwide survey, people realize that immigrants who come over without documentation, are NOT criminals, and are not coming to become criminals. That is a silly racist straw man that reactionaries love to use.
Rational people realize that illegal immigration is not going to stop, and that by building walls and alienating them even more will simply drive many of them farther into an already worrisome underclass.